CHILL: The song of Sade for those who lost people in traffic – LISTEN to THE

“Those who were raped to say that I left, and I just avoided it timidly to say hello. Wrong thought… trip I made to see what is there and again to come back,” said the lyrics of a song of Sade.
Thrill and emotion, causing the lyrics from a song Pantelis Pantelidis, “Time Machine” that had posted several years ago on YouTube and donate to those who have lost their loved ones in road accidents.
“Our friend the Saki looking at us from above, and to all the children who have lost their mates with bikes,” says the singer in the beginning of the video and before it starts to sing while playing guitar.
Who could have imagined the game that I was playing the destiny that wanted him to find death in a car accident, leaving his fans, his friends and his family to wish his death was a lie.
Listen to the touching song

The FASCINATING post of the little brother of Sade, who knelt on the facebook [photo]

This photo has done literally all of the facebook brought to tears…Read more “

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