Child from Cyprus behind bomb threats at the country’s airports

Faced with Justice is a minor, resident of Cyprus, who is accused of being behind the case with threats of placement in the country, as evidenced by an investigation by the Electronic Crimes DEA. According to police, the minor, against whom a case was formed for a threat of a terrorist act, was identified as a sender of messages sent early in the year for an alleged bomb at airports. Specifically, the case had been reported for e-mail messages sent on Sunday 1 January 2024 . In the messages the sender warned about installing explosive devices at all airports. An urgent investigation followed, from which the electronic traces of the user were detected in Cyprus, while in collaboration with the Cypriot authorities, using channels of communication between Europol and Eurojust, through the Directorate for International Police Cooperation and within the framework of a European Investigation Order, was identified as the sender of electronic messages. At the same time, the house in which he lives with his parents was located, where, from the investigations carried out by the Cypriot authorities, a mobile, tablet, modem and computer were found and seized. For the case a case was formed and against his parents, for neglecting minor supervision. The case will be submitted to the competent prosecutor.