Chalkidiki: Criminal group “stoke” luxury tourist cars and transported them to North Macedonia

She began to unwrap the ball of her action in which she targeted luxury tourist cars and sent them to North Macedonia. Authorities began to understand the way the criminal organization operated when they spotted and stopped a Macedonian national driving a stolen car with Romanian plates. The four arrested and compatriots of the mentioned, were taken to the stand of the Three-member Court of Appeals of Thessaloniki with the case-file weighing them for 19 car thefts. As the police investigation showed, the perpetrators are accused of stealing cars worth more than 1 million euros with most of them being sent home. For participation in the same criminal group two more people are persecuted, including the “brain”. Of the defendants, the three were sentenced to 12 and 14 months in prison (for gang) and the fourth in 8 years and 10 months in prison (for distinguished theft and gang). The last one seems to be breaking into the victims’ tourist accommodation and stealing the car keys. The defendants who were punished with prison sentences appear to have carried stolen and usually large Cubism cars to an area of Eordaia. From there another accomplice carried them through hidden passages to North Macedonia. For this reason, the court acquitted the three “drivers” for the thefts and called for prosecution against them for the misdemeanor of accepting crime products. “You’ve caught the wrong man,” the defendant was apologized for the greatest sentence, while the others refused their involvement in the case.