Chalkida: Wild bullying against 13-year-old – What his mother denounces

The ultimate terror within his own school is experienced by a 13-year-old who fell victim to cruelty by a 14-year-old in . He asks his own people to be close to him constantly. The last episode bullying at the expense of the 13-year-old student from Chalkida, occurred on January 15 and even for a minor occasion. CORVERSE As the child’s mother denounces MEGA, a 14-year-old began pushing and addressing his classmate with vulgar characterizations. And that’s all for the gym class. “He goes ahead, pushes him, goes ahead of him. He says (the 13-year-old) “you took my turn”. He says (the 14-year-old) “come on, gay, you want a turn.” She’s going to the principal. He tells him “the principal wants you”, and he grabs him by the shirt, tightens him in the throat”. But the 14-year-old’s action did not stop there. While the 13-year-old student of the second high school returned to his home, the minor this time along with two other friends approached him with threats. CORVERSE “The child leaving school tells me ‘Mom, call me, because I am threatened’ and he says ‘Mom, they are coming at me’. The same guy who did this to him and two others. They go up to him and I hear them tell him “turn off the phone, man”. The parents of the minor victim informed the school principal of the incident. However, apparently, their child is not the only victim of intimidation, or even violence, by the 14 – year – old. “This child with expulsion is, every day outside school. I was told that as of Monday (p. 20.01.2020) he will not be in school. I’ll report it to the prosecution. Monday I’ll go to secondary school. A complaint pending that he has beaten a 12-year-old in 2023”. He kicked her in the back and the allegations of violence with victims, but also juvenile offenders, don’t end here. High school student at an Attica school kicked his classmate. Victim talks scared at MEGA. “We were going up into the ranks and he came after me and gave me a kick with his foot on my back and I couldn’t breathe. They were just my classmates. They did nothing, they laughed.” “He came crying, he entered the room. “Why are you crying?” and he told me the truth. “I am afraid now,” he says, “to go to school”. Another child had been knifed into the school. A child has hit a teacher,” said his mother. The girl’s mother notified school officials, but, as she denounces, they remain inactive until now.