Cell phone and infertility: What’s really true for men?

Men who want one day to have children, it is good to limit the hours talking on their cell phone…
Scientists from the University Κουηνς, Canada, and the University of Graz, in Austria, found that the verbiage in the cell phone may reduce the quality of sperm and leads to a reduction of fertility.
The researchers found that the electromagnetic waves emitted by the headset, have a complicated relationship with the hormones of the male sex.
As explains the head researcher, dr. Rani Σαμλούλ, from the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology of the university, the findings of the study have puzzled the research team – on the one hand, because expected to be different, on the other hand, because it suggests the existence of complex mechanisms.
The study showed that men with prolonged speech on mobile have higher levels of testosterone, but lower hormone LH.
Testosterone is produced by the testicles and is the main hormone of the male sex, while the LH is produced by the gland in the brain, the pituitary gland, and plays an important role in reproduction.
These data are pushing the researchers to the theory that the electromagnetic waves of mobile exert a dual effect on the male hormonal function and fertility: on the one hand reduce the levels of LH secreted from the pituitary gland and increase the number of cell in the testes that produce testosterone.
This increase can be prevents the conversion of this basic testosterone into a more powerful form, which is associated with sperm production and fertility.
The study is published in the journal “Andrologia”.