Today, Sunday (2.1.2025), according to it , our Church honors the Maid of the Saviour and the Congregation of the Transayan Virgin Mary of Marouliani. The names celebrated today, according to the celebration calendar, are as follows: ADVERSE Lonely Maroulia, Maroula, Roula Pious of the Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ The Lord’s Pious One is one of the 12 great feasts of the Orthodox Church. This fact is told by the evangelizer Luke in chapter II, p. 22-35. It happened forty days after the birth of the child Jesus. According to the Mosaic law, the Virgin Mary, after completing the time of purification from childbirth, went to the Temple of Jerusalem together with Joseph, to perform the formal dedication of the infant to God in the “all male open womb (i.e. firstborn) saint of the Lord called” and to offer sacrifice, consisting of a pair of birds or two small pigeons. During this transition, the older Simeon accepted Jesus in his arms. This fact is another proof that the Lord Jesus Christ did not come to abolish the Mosaic law, as the hypocritical Pharisees and scribes claimed, but to supplement it, to perfect it. During the all-night of the Hypaddy in Constantinople, the kings used to attend the Wallachern Temple. This practice continued until the end of the Byzantine Empire. Also today is World Wetlands Day.
Celebration: Who Today Celebrates February 2, 2025
in Greece