Today, Wednesday (5.2.2025), according to the honor of the memory of St. Agathi the witness. The names that celebrate today, according to the festival, are: ADVERSE Agathi, Agathon, Agathoula, Agathia, Agathitsa Agia Agathi Agia Agathi came from Palermo or Katani, Sicily. He lived and was great in the years of Emperor Decius (249- 251 AD). Her family had a huge fortune, and Agia was distinguished for her natural beauty but also for her morals, virtues and great Faith. At the age of fifteen, she remains an orphan and sole heir to the great estate of her parents and then emerged the wonderful personality of Agathi. Ignoring the world’s invitations and flatteries, she disposed of all her property to charity by helping all those in need. CORVERSE But God judged that the Holy One should be tested more. The Prefect Kidian tried using various means to convince her to marry him. But not only did the Saint not renounce her Faith, but she wanted to testify about it. So he endured with marvelous endurance all the torture and even glorifying God who claimed the honor of martyrdom. She surrendered her spirit in 251 AD after horrible torture and while in prison, thus taking the crown of martyrdom. The Congregation of the Holy Witness Agathi was held in her Martyrium, which was located in the seventh of Byzantium (Sicilia). Its sacred remains were transferred to Constantinople during the period of Emperor Basil II (976 – 1025 AD) and Constantine H’ (1025 – 1028 AD). Also today is World Safe Navigation Day on the Internet.
Celebration: Who are celebrating today February 5, 2025
in Greece