Celebration: Today 7 January 2025 John celebrates

Today, Tuesday (7.1.2025) according to it, the Church honors the Gathering of the Holy Baptist and Baptist John. The names celebrated today, according to the celebration calendar, are as follows: JOURNALIST John, Giannis, Giannis, Giannis, Yangos, Zannettos, Zannettos, Jean, Ioanna, Giannoula, Jeannetta, Zannetta, Jeanette Prodromos, Prodromakis, Makis Synagogue of Saint John Prodromos and Baptist The next day of the Epiphanies, it was established to celebrate, the memory of the holy prophet John Baptist. John was the son of priest Zechariah and Elizabeth. By his thirty years, he lives ascetic life in the wilderness of Judea, dedicated entirely to prayer, study, and spiritual and moral perfection. His garment was made of camel hair, in the middle of it had a leather belt and his food was grasshoppers and wild honey. In the form of sunburned, serious, dignified and dynamic, John immediately displayed an extraordinary and wonderful figure. He had all the qualifications of a great and imposing preacher of divine speech. Thus, with great grace he preached “the crowds”. He was hard-hitting and beating the phrasing arrogant pride, which under the outer garment of false holiness concealed the most disgusting wounds of mental cruelty and uncleanness. In general, his teaching is summed up in his characteristic phrase: “Repent; touch for the kingdom of the heavens”, thus preparing the way of our Lord Jesus Christ for His saving work. When Christ began his public activity, the world slowly left John and followed Him. This reversal, of course, would cause great bitterness and would give birth to thorns of jealousy and envy to one, outside Christian spirit, teacher or philosopher. Rather, John caused great joy and joy. This celebration of John the Baptist, whom the Lord said no man stood greater than him, was established in the 5th century C.E. CORVERSE We are also celebrating today the fact that the honorary Hand of St John the Baptist was transferred to Constantinople, which was done in the following way: When the Evangelist Luke went to the city of Respecter, where the Baptist was buried, he took his right hand from his grave, transferred it to Antioch, where grace God performed many miracles. From Antioch, the Holy Hand, was moved to Constantinople in 957, by the minister Job. There the anointed emperor, having embraced her with great respect, placed her in the royal palaces. The gathering of the faithful, in memory of the fact that the honor of the Prodromos was transferred to Constantinople, was performed in the area of Foraki (or Sphoraki). At the same time, we celebrate the Miracle of the Prodromos in Chios against the Agarines.