Category: Opinion

  • Armoured Thessaly in the new era

    Each person at the end of a year makes his own account and sets his goals for the next. For this political person it is an obligation, primarily to the citizen and then to himself. In 2024, with the mandate of the great majority of Thessalians, I took over the reins of the Region of…

  • I’m having bad thoughts.

    From the very first moment the police officer and his also police wife who abused their children saw the light of day, I have had bad thoughts. I think bad thoughts not only about him and his wife, but bad thoughts about the whole system which is supposed to control all those who wear a…

  • The “other” key to success

    “The first impression a ruler creates is that given by the people who surround him”. Nicolo Machiavelli The elections in Syriza, the background and the next day have been covered by both Nikos and and the media as a whole and will continue to employ as time passes. Like any moves on the chessboard.…

  • Great leaders are judged in details – Such a loud absence

    What we saw take place during the three-day period of the SYRIZA conference, it goes without saying that they do not honour any of its executives either on the “87” side or on the side of Stefanos Kasselakis. When he left SYRIZA’s leadership after 5 consecutive election defeats some spoke of a brave move on…

  • Giannis Boutaris: A farewell to the winemaker who tamed fear

    We say goodbye to Mr. Yiannis and remember what he confessed on stage eleven years ago… “Why you came into this world, I’m not looking into it. But you came. Look while you are here, have fun.” The first time I saw Giannis Boutaris in person was about eleven years ago at a TEDx event,…

  • They are judged! “Other Aias where is it”, but where is our Aias? Sophocles, Ancient Tragedy

    Their own – the simple neo-democratic – former presidents and prime ministers and , which was on the evening of October 4? Why were they missing from the festival for half a century of the life of the South West in front of the iconic neoclassical building of Rigil which is associated with historical memory?…