Carnage in Nice: it Is a blow to the ISIS and read why… [photos]

Finally, it is almost certain that this is even a terrorist attack of ISIS….
and this is because aside from the fact that the foreign media are reporting the shooter as a “fanatic of ISIS”, the supporters of ISIS were starting the festival early on twitter.

As in Dallas, the ISIS has claimed responsibility, albeit a little late, I guess, and this is going to be the same. The fanatical Jihadists have spread all over the world and especially in Europe.
Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, is the man who butchered yesterday-Nice and because of that lost their lives 84+ people.

DISCLOSURE: This is the perpetrator of the terrorist attack in Nice [photo]

Mohamed Lahouιj Bouhlel has been identified as the perpetrator…

FASCINATING: New video shows the moment the police performs the perpetrator of Nice

A shocking video of what happened on Thursday night…

The moment that the truck falls over the crowd!

Incredible video of the moment of the mayhem…