Cardiological check: Who are entitled to free exams – What the FEK reports

In the final line he has entered his program about the . In the specific programme of the Ministry of Health which includes free preventive cardiological control was published, yesterday Monday, in the Journal of Government and aims to prevent cardiovascular diseases. The FEK of the Ministry of Health and Finance includes the procedure by which the cardiological screening, beneficiaries and total costs will be carried out. As stated, the National Programme for the Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Risks concerns persons aged 30-70. The total budget of the programme is EUR 100,626,000. It is about carrying out a pre-symptomatic check and medical visit, as well as recording specific parameters of data in the Individual Electronic Health Folder (A.H. F.Y.) of beneficiaries. What preventive laboratory tests are covered: Total cholesterol (TCHOL) Low density cholesterol lipoproteins (LDL-C) High density lipoprotein (HDL-C) cholesterol Triglycerides (Tgs) Non-HDL- C Blood sugar – glucose (CL) General blood count If findings are found, cardiological control of the presence or absence of coronary disease shall include: Taking cardiological history Cardiological clinical examination Electrocardiogram (estimation and interpretation) Blood pressure measurement Ultrasoundcardiological study complete lipoprotein determination α {LP (a)} The beneficiaries and the procedure Beneficiaries of the action will be the Greek and Greek citizens, as well as citizens of third countries legally residing in the Greek Territory and meeting the following cumulative conditions: They are 30 to 70 years old and carry a Social Security Register Number (A.M.K.A.). The financial participation of beneficiaries will be zero and the implementation process will include three stages: The conduct of preventive laboratory tests, the visit of the beneficiary to a personal physician or a specialist in general/family medicine, pathology or cardiology, the conduct of a cardiological check-up in the presence or absence of coronary disease, ischemia control and coronary control in the hospitals for the assessment of people at risk of the country’s University Heart Clinics (Attiki, Thessaloniki, Patras, Ioannina, Heraklion, Larissa and Alexandroupolis). Information for citizens and results Citizen information on the terms and procedures of participation will be made through a specially designed separate website, adapted to the hosting data of the platform, the National Pre-Supplementary Control Program (E.P. P. E.), to be created for this purpose by the Ministry of Health and through the intangible prescription system. After the execution of the referrals, participating bodies will be required to inform the S.H.S. with the results of the examinations and the S.H.S. will automatically inform the S.H. F.Y. of the beneficiary. Upon registration of the results of the laboratory tests it will be issued automatically through the S.H. S. Medical examination referral with a period of three months for the assessment of cardiovascular risk by a doctor. If there are findings, after registration, for eligible men from 40 years of age or older and for eligible women from 50 years of age, with a high cardiovascular risk (heart score), as defined in the relevant Directives of the Committee of Public Health Experts (EU). D.Y.), will be issued automatically, via the S.H.S. cardiac citation control in the presence or absence of coronary disease, with a duration of three months. Read Source: