Can’t find a Partner? You are a person with a “DISABILITY” and Officially

“Those who can’t find a partner, have one form of disability”
Those who can’t find a partner, have one form of disability, in accordance with the new directives is expected to announce that the World Health Organization.
The people who don’t make it in on or not are struggling to find a mate in order to obtain offspring, you are now deemed “disabled” according to the new guidelines will be announced by the international organization.
According to the british newspaper “Express”, up to now, the infertility – the failure, namely of achieving a pregnancy for 12 months or more trying regularly without a condom – is not considered a disability.
But now, the World Health Organization is moving in a controversial move. The new guidelines expected to be issued, a person who can’t find a partner to have children, now will be characterized as a “cripple”.
However, according to him, these changes will give every person the right of reproduction. More specifically, on the basis of the new guidelines, individuals who are heterosexual – men and women – such as the homosexual who want to have children, will have the same priority with the couples who resort to in vitro fertilization to become pregnant (after experiencing medical problems).
For the critics of the new directives of the World Health Organization, this is an “absurd nonsense”, arguing that the international body has put on all of the social issues at the expense of the health issues.
For his part, Gareth Johnson, British member of parliament and former chairman of the parliamentary committee on issues of fertility, which has experienced fatherhood with the help of ivf, said: “I Am generally a strong supporter of ivf. But I never saw the issue of infertility as a disability or a disease but as a medical issue”.
On the contrary, professor David Ανταμσον, who participated in the scientific team that devised the new guidelines, WHICH considers it a “great opportunity” for those who are on their own and their γκέ I.

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