Cancelled the visit to Burnt in Istanbul

Has been scheduled for today Wednesday, 22 October, visit of the minister of National Defence, Panos Kammenos, Istanbul.
The barrage of provocative statements, and the raising unrealistic claims Greek territories on behalf of the Turkish president made the Greek MOD to cancel the trip in the City.
Mr. Kammenos was going to attend the celebration of the anniversary of completion of 25 years of the enthronement of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. The few days ago unheard-of challenge on the part of Turkey to place a permanent imam of the Hagia Sophia made it necessary for the cancellation of the visit of Burning in Istanbul.
At the diplomatic level, the cancellation of the travel of the MOD is interpreted on the one hand, as a clear indicator of irritation and resentment of the Greek side for the baseless propaganda of Erdogan on the revision of the Treaty of Lausanne and alleged recovery of Turkey. On the other hand, Panos kammenos not going finally in Istanbul, is an attempt to prevent further deterioration of the situation.

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