Cabana: One of the strangest things in ERT’s backstage in the decision of the Patriarch Papadakis and hunting for the first “Good morning”, “Your kind” lights fires and the boy is not in the mansion!

DIN Amid wishes for a good year and before they were well pleased at 1 the high ratings that the program scored with the “change of year”, you were invited to collect… the answering blunders. Of course… it is unfair to put in the same sack the two incidents that saw the air of public television, as on one occasion it concerns bad and careless editing, while on the other the signal of a historic political party was tampered with. DAN DIN In the first case, the show “Morning I saw you”, neglected to cut… backstage from filming, while in the second it appeared falsified the KKE logo. Something that seems to have been in the ERT’s graphics archive… and we logically suspect that it may have been done with other party logos… but also that we reasonably conclude that the processing should have been done at work and especially within the St. Friday radio megagare. However, as the ERT argues, there will be penalties for both cases, with the journalist-producer of the show “Morning in Is”, who did not carefully check the final product, to examine whether or not her contract will be renewed, while regarding the Communist signal, the graphic artist who is of indefinite time will be indicted for disciplinary control. Question: why in the second case are they not responsible and those who have to control what goes on the air… as in the first case? So in public television newscasts, what’s graphic and video is not controlled by anyone? And of course it is not the responsibility of the high positions, but it is not (only) of the… last wheel of the car that we see as being used… a reserve for the performance of “justice” in order for some to not even fall into softness! Two meters… and a lot of different standards at ERT’s… backstage, and for now I’m gonna say I should… Public television had to be more objective (and) in “return responsibility”! DAN DIN George Papadakis took responsibility for the change in his morning news show. The “patriarch” of this particular typology and program zone announced that he recommended to the management of ANT1 that the duration of the show “Good morning Greece” should be reduced from the next week and handed over a baton earlier to George Liaga for “The Breakfast”. Clearly this option was made to start the show of ANT1 at the same time as MEGA’s show “Buongiorno” so that Fay Scorpio would not take a lead in the ratings race. Hold on to this: because this season can’t be made… bigger changes, the next one some may… start earlier, near the start of the “Happy Day” show by Statina Tsimchili! Unless ALPHA decides the first “good morning” to be called early and there is… a new game! Everything plays… I remain at ALPHA where “Your family” remains a constant value of the station in the battle of ratings. Event observed by high-ranking channel executives who know the “international language of numbers” comment that it is still selling something old, while last and very precise options do not have such… success! And I’m sure that point wasn’t made… by accident! DAN DIN Only… by chance has this particular subject regarding today’s quiz not become too big. The interesting thing, however, is that those who take out the “smoking” are persons above suspicion, with the main purpose of setting fire to an alliance that has been “built” towards them. DAN DIN Come on, though, where the others don’t go… mansions, with the boy on their side! DAN DIN DAN DIN DAN