C. Κουμουτσάκος: Below expectations the new government scheme

“A lot under expectations” that had formed the last time, the communication staff of the government, featured the new…
governmental shape, the spokesperson of New Democracy, Giorgos Κουμουτσάκος, speaking on the radio station of the Athens-Macedonian News Agency “Agency 104,9 FM”. It appeared certain that “nothing can change”.
“The great majority of persons are well-known, worn-out faces. Those will set the tone of the government and not the newer and infinite -de facto – persons who have been” reported and added: “that’s Why we talked about recycling and futility, with feeling and conviction, that nothing can be changed. Something which confirmed what was said by the prime minister in the first cabinet”.
With regard to the placement of mr Αχτσιόγλου in the position of the minister of Labour, mr. Κουμουτσάκος commented: “it Was the man -a special case, I’m not talking as individuals, I’m talking about institutional position – that did the negotiations, so what are we waiting for to change, when what he has done in the workplace bring their own stamp to? Obviously, because if you disagree with the minister, would not have been there. I had given up. Therefore can not have someone waiting for some fundamental change of policy”.
He stood, also, in two other features, which, as he said, has to be reshuffled. The first is that “the debate on the opening of the centre, or the centre-left does not exist,” as well as “the efforts made, but obviously not successful”.
The second relates to the specific portfolio of everyday life, for which mr Κουμουτσάκος commented: “I Read with interest that there is a ministry of everyday life. It is assumed that the concept of everyday life is horizontal in a cabinet. It’s not vertical. More like ministry of ρουσφετιών sounds like this”.