Without encountering any particular resistance, he was prevailed at the Magik home by 122–93 and took an important step towards winning fourth place in the normal Eastern term that gives the home advantage to NBA playoffs. Giannis Antetokounbo completed the match with 26 points, 11 rebounds and 4 assists in 30′ attendance, with Damian Lillard adding 30 points, 5 rebounds and 4 assists. CORVERSE The Bucks achieved in two days an equal number of easy wins and show that they have found their good self. The Elafias went up to 22-17 and approached the Magics who retreated to 23-19, with John’s team Antetokounbo to be within range of the 4th position in the East. Next rival of the Bucks the Toronto Raptors, Saturday morning (18/1 at 03:00) in Milwaukee. DEPENDENCE OF DODECALEPT: 34-16, 62-41, 92-68, 122-93. MILLUOKI BACKS (Dock Rivers): Prince 5 (1), Antetokunbo 26, Lopez 13 (5/6 two-point, 3/3 shots, 5 rebounds, 2 assists, 5 blocks), Jackson, Lilard 30 (10/16 two-point, 3/3 three-point, 1/1 shot, 5 rebounds, 4 assists, 4 steals, 3 errors), Portis 14 (2/3 3-points, 4/4 shots, 8 rebounds), Middleton 14 (5/7 two-point, 4/6 shots, 2 rebounds, 6 assists, 2 steals), Green 2, Rollins 6 (3/4 two-point, 3 rebounds, 2 assists, 2 blocks), Conaton 3, Wright, Livingston, Robbins 3 (3/4 shots), Bochab 6 (1), Umude. ORLANTO MudgeIC (Jamal Mosley: Da Silva (0/4 shots, 4 rebound), Bancero 22 (6/13 two-points, 2/7 3-points, 4/5 shots, 5 rebounds, 2 assists, 7 mistakes), Carter 12 (1/8 two-point, 2/4 three-point, 4/5 shots, 10 rebounds, 2 steals), Caldwell- Pope 8 (2/7 three point), Anthony 11 (4/8 two-point, 1/5 three-point, 4 rebounds, 9 assists), Heustan 8 (2/7 three-point), Black 10 (4 assists), Isaac 9 (4/5 two-point, 3 rebounds, 2 steals), Quinn 13 (3 three-point, 2 rebounds, 3 assists, 4 steals), Joseph. Milwaukee Bucks’ team statistics : 38/60 two-point, 7/12 three-point, 25/35 shots, 64 rebounds, 24 assists, 10 steals, 10 blocks, 21 errors, 20 fouls. The team statistics of Orlando Magic : 21/49 two-point, 12/46 three-point, 15/21 shots, 41 rebounds, 24 assists, 13 steals, 1 block, 13 errors, 24 fouls.
Bucks – Magic 122-93: Antetokounbo and Lillard cleared for the Deer
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