Britain: Nigel’s Extreme Right Party Reform UK First Farage first in polls

His far-right party was first found in the polls as it attracts the highest percentage of voting intentions, in other words first political power emerges in , unprecedented event. One in four citizens of the sample of 2,465 voters who participated in the investigation of the YouGov Institute the other day Sunday and yesterday Monday said that if parliamentary elections were held in Britain today, he would vote for Nigel Farage’s Reform UK. This party would raise 25% of the vote, while ruling Labour was 24%, during the poll, held on behalf of the Sky News television network. CORVERSE 21% of the sample said it would vote for the Conservatives, the party that monopolized power in 2010-2024. The YouGov Institute noted that the marginal lead of a unit of this party towards Labour is “within the statistical error margin”, yet its rise in polls is found. Nigel Faraz was finally able to secure a seat in the House of Commons in the 2024 election, for the first time in the eighth attempt, after decades in politics. CORVERSE The one-sided (or majority) electoral system in Britain thus far guarantees the rotation to power of the two major parties, Labour and Conservatives, which ensure historically disproportionately high representation in parliament. Reform UK currently occupies 5 seats in the 650-member parliament while raising over 4 million votes. For comparison, Conservatives occupy 121 seats while they received 6,8 million votes and Labour 412 seats while securing 9,7 million votes. The next parliamentary elections in Britain will not be held until 2029.