Britain: Call Police to Order Pizza and Save Her Life – Audio Document

An employee at the telephone center in Direct Her action managed and saved the life of a woman who called the department asking to order. Thanks to the temper of the operator and the intelligence of the victim the woman managed to save herself from her violent partner using the British-known trick with the pizza order. CORVERSE The sound document released by British police is shocking. The woman calls in direct action and in the background there are children crying and screaming. Good evening, police, what would you like? Victim: Pizza Order Ast.: Pizza Order? Do you require a pizza delivery or the police? A heroic police agency call manager has been joined for her quick-thinking after raising a call from a woman was in fact a disguise and an urban call for help. Listen to the 999 call — Metropolitan Police (@metpoliceuk) The following is a pause and then quickly the operator sounds to say: Ast.: Okay, do you want to order pizza or call the police? If you want the police say yes. Victim: Yes. Okay, is that the person who scares you at home now? No problem. The police are coming. He has a gun. Answer me yes or no. If he threatens to hit you tell me pepperoni. If he’s threatening to hit the kids, tell me cheese. Victim: Pepperoni. If you lost it 08:51 Thursday 16.01 08:41 Thursday 16.01 07:37 Thursday 16.01 00:36 Thursday 16.01 Okay. The police will be with you very soon. If you need to call 999 again go to another room than him (the shooter) for a moment. But if I stay on the line longer, it’ll look suspicious if you call for pizza. The police will be with you very soon. The police quickly reached the point and the woman was saved thanks to the operator’s quick reflexes.