Brexit: Thousands of Europeans are waiting for a permit to settle in UK

The outcome for thousands of applications is unknown.

The delays are of great concern to Europeans in the country whose requests have not been answered.

The legality of their stay in the country, as well as labor market access rights and healthcare, is in doubt.

They also risk losing their entitlement to state benefits and the ability to rent a home from tomorrow.

There is an even greater risk of losing the rights of children, retirees or spouses of third-country Europeans, as well as of more vulnerable groups, such as victims of violence, homeless children and the elderly in care facilities.

Those who have lived in the country for more than five years are entitled to settled status and those who live less than five years are entitled to pre-settled status.

This allows them to stay in the UK until they are five years old and then gain settled status, which also guarantees their rights.

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