Brazil: is Referred to the president Dilma Rousseff

A committee of the Lower House, the Brazilian Congress voted by a majority of 38 against 27 votes for impeachment of president Dilma Rousseff, who is facing charges for violation of the laws of the country’s budget, in order to financially support his re-election in 2014.
The Sunday, is expected to vote in plenary of the Lower House, while if the motion of impeachment is passed by 2/3 of the members, then, this will be sent to the Senate.
In the case that a simple majority deciding the reference, will be discharged from its duties directly for a semester, while the presidency of the country, is undertaken by the vice-president, Michelle Τέμερ.
Brazil is at the centre of severe political confrontation and instability around the activities of the state oil company (Petrobras) with political implications.