Bolivia: 7.2 Tones of Cocaine for Belgium Arrested · Global Voices

In the second largest drug seizure in the country’s history progressed this week police in when they spotted 7.2 tons bound for Belgium, with the value reaching half a billion dollars. The operation was conducted in Pisiga, an area in Bolivian highlands on the border with Chile. Cocaine was hidden in two trucks carrying scrap — iron ores — that were to be exported to Europe via a port in Chile to the Pacific Ocean. “If we take into account the price of this controlled substance in the country of destination, we are talking about a $451 million blow to drug traffickers,” said Interior Minister Edward del Castillo during a press conference on the operation, which took place early in the weeks. According to the minister, the trafficker fled the Latin American country to the US, which attributed to the leak of information from the prosecution to media. In January, police announced the seizure of the largest quantity of cocaine in Bolivia’s history, amounting to over 8 tons, also at the border with Chile. 7 tons of cocaine Worth $451 million disabled as scrap metal were seen in Bolivia According to local law enforcement officials, one of the largest ships of drugs in the history of the country was sponsored to be sent to Europe. — Politics World Wide Web (@PetrosVarelas) Bolivia is among the countries with the largest production of cocaine sex, raw material in the cocaine production process, worldwide. The United Nations Office on Drug Control and Crime Prevention (ONUDC) has recorded a large increase in drug trafficking by the so-called South Conon of Latin America, mainly towards Europe.