Blind athlete student “sees” and broadcasts every game he hears

It may be, but that doesn’t stop him from broadcasting sports games. Many wonder: But how can he describe without seeing what’s going on in a fight? The reason for the blind sports broadcaster Allan Wylie from Ohio who received a full scholarship and is now a freshman in the Rown University sports programme. “I respond to what I hear,” Allan Wylie told CTV news that although he does not see and separate his black glasses, he managed to become a sports announcer. “I hear everything and very carefully, every detail is valuable to me,” he explains. Allan Wylie auditioned and is now one of four commentators selected. Neil Hartman who runs the university’s broadcasting program, said Wylie is competitive, that he deserved it and that he has never met a commentator like him. “He’s amazing, how does he do that?!” was the comment made by a listener after Allan’s first live game. His father is moved by the positive comments of the world and not even knowing him.