Conversely the time for Friday (29.11.2024) is counting, while the informal discount period has already begun with the large chains and electronics putting discounts on popular everyday products since last Friday (15.11.2024). During the discount period of Black Friday 2024, offers to technology and electrical appliances are the most attractive for Greek consumers, as they find sought after products at affordable prices. As found in’s research on the web sites of major technology and electronics chains, such as Public, Framework, Kotsovolos and the German Group, two are the product categories promoted most in Black Friday. These categories are smartphones and consoles, with chains already starting the tempting offers, preparing the climate for the great day of discounts. Public and German place greater emphasis on promoting discounts on mobile phones and secondary on consoles, while Box and Kotsovolos the opposite. Specifically, Public, with a network of 62 stores, mainly promotes the model of Samsung Galaxy A54 5G Enterprise Edition 128GB – Awesome Graphite, with an initial price of EUR 398.99 and a final of EUR 349, showing a discount of EUR 49.99, corresponding to 15%. Accordingly, the German, with more than 300 stores, promotes Apple iPhone 13 Dual 5G 128GB Midnight, whose price starts at 619 euros, but reaches 499 euros, with a 19.39% discount. The Box, with a network of 27 stores, and Kotsovolos, with a network of 97 stores, both have a discount of about 9% on Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max 256GB Black Titanium, having an initial price of 1,369 euros and a final of 1,249 euros, thus a profit of 120 euros. Therefore, discounts on the first smartphone that advertises each large chain range from 9% to 19.3% a few days before Black Friday 2024. Regarding consoles, the one starring as “Best seller” on the websites of all major technology chains is the model “Sony PlayStation 5 Digital Edition Slim”. Competing each other, large technology and electronics chains have put the same discount, about 17%, on this product, whose initial price is 449 euros and now due to the coming Black Friday 2024 it has dropped by 75 euros, reaching 374 euros. Another category promoted high on the web sites of large technology chains are air fliers or so-called Air Fryers. The most popular Air Fryer in Public is the NINJA AF500EU MegaZone FlexDrawer model with Distracted Can, 2470 W and 10.4 liters, whose price starts at 349 euros, but reaches 199 euros, with a 43% discount. At the same time, the German promotes the XIAOMI Essential 6 liters model, from 69.9 euros to 55.9 euros, putting a 18.6% discount, while the Framework has a 55% discount on Air Fryer Dosette DH-508A 6 liters, which decreased to 39,90 euros from 89.90 euros, with a profit of 50 euros. Finally, in Kotsovolos, the model Nutribullet XXL Digital NBA071B is first advertised in Air Fryers, with a 8% discount, from 119.90 euros to 109.90 euros. Overall, discounts to the first Air Fryer to promote each major chain start at 8% and end at 55% one breath before Black Friday. It is recalled that the discounts do not end Black Friday 2024, but continue until Tuesday (3.12.2024), because Sunday (1.12.2024) is an optional day of offers followed by Cyber Monday (2.12.2024) and Travel Tuesday (3.12.2024).
Black Friday 2024: Battle of Discounts in large electronics chains
in Undertakings