Argentina: Video Document Since 41 Year-old Stabs 28 Times His Ex-Wife

The moment a man from her attacks his ex-wife, Argentina, before turning the gun on himself, was recorded by security cameras. 41-year-old Sergio Sarria, invaded the Big Pizza pizza place—the spot where 45-year-old Débora, his ex-husband, along with her new partner—is working in the Núñez neighborhood of Buenos Aires in Argentina, just last week, before the frenzy knife attack took place – leaving Débora with 28 brutal stab wounds. “She wanted to kill me like an animal,” she said. “All the stab wounds I have are on my ribs, neck, face and one eye. It was terrible, scary. I have a big cut on my elbow because he cut me with the knife.” The shocking video shows Sarria jumping over the pass leading to the kitchen and rushing into Débora—which at the time was behind the counter—with a large knife in his hand. A struggle ensued before the unfortunate woman was stabbed repeatedly and fell to the ground. Débora’s current companion, along with another colleague, were arrested as they tried to stop the violent encounter – throwing things at him to intervene – while Sarria continued to madly stab his ex-wife, as she leaned to the ground. Débora, who described that her ex-husband was often violent during their 23-year marriage, managed to get up and leave the store, while Sarria took off his jacket and was stabbed several times in the throat when police arrived. “As a miracle, she failed to kill me,” said Débora, who has since been discharged from the hospital. “I think largely because of the help I got, because they tried to hit him, to get him off me, but he was furious.” Sarria has been arrested, but remains in hospital after his alleged suicide attempt.