“I didn’t see the personality I wanted,” said the man in an interview who granted ANT1. Welcome to the set of the “Weekenders” show was Antonis Loudaros today. The well-known actor spoke to Thanasis Patras and Dimitris Panopoulos about the film “Exist” with Christos Mastoras. ADVERSE “I had 32 years to make Christmas at my home, due to work, and I did then with the coronavirus. This year I’m doing a monologue and it’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in the theater. TV is about too many people who want to project their ego. I do not justify the bad climate at work, but it depends on what work you have done with yourself,” Antonis Loudaros said initially. Antonis Loudarus then added: “The theater saved me from strange streets with abuses. A criticism should not necessarily be good. Of course I’ve received bad criticism. That’s not bad, it helps me as a tool in my work, to think about what to fix. If an actor is untalented, he will be seen in the result. The review on Helen Radu had no courtesy.” In closing, Antonis Loudaros said: “I saw the film “I exist”, but I did not see the personality I wanted. Not that I wanted, that didn’t grow anyway! When you do a biography, you have to put the knife in the bone in some things. I liked Christos Mastoras, he made a generous effort.”
Antonis Loudaros for ‘Exist’: When you do a biography, you have to put the knife in the bone.
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