Angeliki Iliadis: The touching goodbye to Kate Grey – “Take your Claus and rest”

‘ There is nothing that gives me greater joy than spending time with you,” she wrote about . Her farewell, with a tender post on Instagram, said Angeliki Iliadis to her beloved grandmother, Kate Gray, who left life on Sunday (19.01.20205), immersing in grief both her family and her fans. CORVERSE In the post posted by the well-known singer, a black and white photograph of Kate Gray appears since she was young. “I’m entering the house. I came to you, Grandma, full of joy, and you take me in your arms and kiss me. Another night that we’ll spend together, I’m so happy, I love you and you love me so much,” she originally wrote in the caption of the post. See this post on Instagram. ADVERSE “There is nothing that gives me more joy than spending time with you, sleeping in your arms caressing my hair. My look always sucks at that picture of you. She’s hung on the wall among so many others, you’re all beautiful, but I always look at her. You have a strange power in the eyes that for some reason I translate it… I know exactly what your look says at that moment. I know exactly how much he drowned in silence and how much he screams, how much he hurts and how much he’s proud of, I just know. You’re my grandmother and I love you. Don’t worry about anything. Dad’ll take care of you. Now embrace your Vassilis and rest,” Angeliki Iliades wrote at the end. The great Greek singer left life on Sunday at the age of 100, after serious problems with her health. Her funeral will take place on Wednesday (22.01.2020) in New Smyrna.