Androulaki Nodesis for the “bubble” MPs and the “danger” of the Kaklamani support

A strong recommendation to Members of his parliamentary group to be careful about what they say about cooperation, as there is a government mechanism that falsifies what is said, thus creating impressions on public opinion and voters, made by . The President of PASOK, Nikos Androuliakis, pointed out this fact as Harilaou Trikoupis appeared all the time to apologize for working with SYRIZA and the dramatists after the statements made by both Paul Geroulanos, who spoke of bilateral opening, and Michael Katrinis. The spokesperson, Kostas Tsukalas, mentioned in an interview on the issue of partnerships made it clear that “PASOK will not cooperate with the New Democracy. If they want to find partnerships, they can with Mr. Velopoulos, Mrs. Latinopoulou, Mr. Stiga with whom there is already a parliamentary cooperation as it appeared in voting for the budget and voting in favour of the Tasoula nomination.” However, in yesterday’s sitting the PASOK MPs agreed to vote for Nikitas Kaklamanis as Speaker of the House despite the objections that existed not to the person, but to what this move would mean. “The Prime Minister must explain whether, now voting for Nikitas Kaklamanis, who for us too is a respected person, we vote for him only for Speaker of the House or whether we vote for him later and for President of the Republic. Because that’s the argument we hear from the government about Mr. Tasula. These are dangerous things, ” said Kostas Tsukalas. CORVERSE However, the fact that PASOK appears in most polls to have stabilised around 17% with a rally that reaches over 90% is particularly problematic for Harilau Trikoupi’s leadership, as it realizes that it should address other voting tanks beyond the centre. Thus, according to reports, Nikos Androuliakis is expected to open up to independent MPs who move into the progressive arc in order to approach voters who support them. However, PASOK officials argue that “PASOK had 12% in June and now shows at least 17%, which was not self-evident. We are on the rise track and we will continue on it.” “There must be another strong pole against the New Republic to have a healthy political system, to have the government being less arrogant and to have the option of alternative choice. That is why we are addressing every citizen that this government wants to leave because it considers that it is socially biased for the few and privileged and does not serve the interests of the social majority. It is the government that fails daily on too many issues,” they note.