Amphissa: Infant died in childbirth – Complaints about mismanagement of an obstetrician

Tragedy in with one dying at birth in the city hospital with the family talking about mishandling an obstetrician. The infant died on 5 July 2023 at the General Hospital in Amfissa. Two days earlier the mother was admitted to the Amfissa hospital’s obstetric clinic for provoking childbirth and according to what the family reports from mismanaging the obstetrician the infant ended up. As the coroner’s findings indicate, the child was born with craniocephalic injuries. Panayiotis Balaktaris, a family lawyer spoke to “You still saw nothing” about the serious incident. “An ideal pregnancy based on all medical examinations and doctor’s assurances resulted in a tragedy that the child was lost and almost lost and the mother, who lost a lot of blood and became very difficult to recover. All this was for reasons that have not yet been explained on the other side of the suspect.” While for the EDE’s finding, made on the relevant incident the lawyer said it resulted in the finding of “minor discharge of duty by the doctor”. And as Mr Balaktaris noted, this physician remains in his position at the Amfissa public hospital. The president of the Amfiss Medical Association said that in a case pending regular justice and everything is under investigation.