American election 2024: Joe Biden and Donald Trump Super Tuesday winners

and emerged as the great winners of the so-called Super Tuesday and – out of the blue – they are led to a second election on November 5. Donald Trump swept into almost all states where votes were held. Among them were California and Texas – the two most populous – as well as North Carolina. Joe Biden was also a big winner. Surrounded by his supporters at his luxury residence in Florida, the tycoon did not hide his satisfaction for this “horrible night”, on “unbelievable day”. He did not mention Haley, the last Republican on his way to the party nomination race, choosing to turn all his fire on – as they all show – his opponent in November, his successor Joe Biden. The fifty however deprived Donald Trump, 77, the sleep, 15/15, winning in Vermont, a sparsely populated state on the border with Canada. The results remained to be known in two states (Yuta, Alaska). In Utah, where Trump had won Biden by 20 points difference in 2020, polls brought him to have a 27 percent lead over his former government ambassador to the UN. Things were less clear in Alaska, which although it is a historic fort of Republicans (votes GOP since 1964 uninterruptedly), had sided with the mogul with the lowest difference in its history over Biden’s opponent (10 points) in 2020. “To destroy our democracy” On the other side, of Democrats, President Joe Biden, 81, claims the nomination of his party practically without a true opponent. As expected, he won in all 15 states where votes were held, although he suffered a strange defeat, from a stranger in the American Samoa region. Having already turned his attention to his confrontation with Donald Trump, Joe Biden accused his opponent of being “decided to destroy our democracy”, that what he wants is to “take the rematch”, “his revenge” rather than serve “the American people”. The date for the 2020 rematch, which does not exactly cause enthusiasm for American opinion polls, was therefore in practice closed, even though the internal Republican process has not been formally terminated. As of January 15, and despite his problems with justice, Donald Trump became the winner in almost all competitions with his inner party opponents. Nikki Haley was self-proclaiming as the candidate who would restore “normality”, who would end Trump’s “haos”. Most Republicans didn’t hear her arguments. Will he stay in the race? She was not immediately expressed, fueling scriptology for her intentions. In a statement, however, her group said there is “a large number of Republican voters expressing deep concerns” about Trump. On the election night in Florida, at the tycoon’s residence, there was no doubt about the final victory to his fans, with the red caps and the motto Make America Great Again (“Let’s give America its greatness again”. “I expect Nikki Haley to leave,” said Kenny Neil, head of a Republican local organization. “President Trump will be the last to stay standing” in the internal party process, he was discounted. In theory, the process can last until summer. The Trump team plans to declare its victory “March 19th” at the latest, after the votes in Georgia and Florida. President Biden prepares to address the citizens Donald Trump wants to be able to launch a full-front attack on his opponent before his court appointments begin. On March 25, his first criminal trial begins in New York City. The person concerned assures that he became “much more popular” after exercising four criminal prosecutions against him. Nevertheless, polls suggest that support for his candidacy would be greatly reduced if he was sentenced to one of his trials. Back in the polls, Joe Biden will defend his actions and present his vision of the US tomorrow Thursday, in his speech on all the material for the State of the Union (“state of union”). For politologist Wendy Schiller, this is the “last” opportunity the Democrat will have to “reach to millions of Americans and present the opposition between his vision and that which will be life under Donald Trump.”