Alyssa Leman “magics” with the ball on a beach in Maldives

Alyssa Lehman is one of the most famous women’s soccer athletes on the planet, also distinguishing for her outdoor appearance, so a new video with and swimsuits in her couldn’t be avoided becoming viral. Having a gap due to celebrations from her obligations to the Juventus women’s team, Alyssa Lehmann found the opportunity to travel to Malidves and posted a video on the instagram, in which she seems to do a trick with the ball and play on the beach, with her friend and also a football player, Amira Arfawi. CORVERSE “Celebrating so many years of friendship on an isolated island”, wrote the Swiss woman on the video caption, which won tens of thousands of “hearts” on the instagram. See this post on Instagram. Alyssa Leman is a couple with also Juventus footballer, Douglas Louise.