All eyes on the great draw of JOCKER who is handing out 12.8m euros tonight at 22:00

A few hours left for his big draw, as at 22:00 his popular game hands out 12.8m euros to first-class winners. “Joker monopolizes our customers’ interest in recent times, due to the 27 consecutive jackpots, which have been noted since November 12, 2024 until today. The first-class prize has reached numbers that are dizzy. Always during the days of drawing, participations in the game are more and especially in large amounts such as tonight’s, traffic in our store increases vertically,” says Vangelis Bellos, owner of OPAP store in Egaleo. Those who wish to participate in tonight’s 12.8m-euro mega jackpot draw can deposit their bulletins by 21:30 at OPAP stores all over Greece, or online, wherever they are, via Both in OPAP stores and online, players have the opportunity to participate in JOKER group cards. CORVERSE Each lucky 5 wins 100,000 euros In addition to the grand prize of 12.8m euros, those who participate in tonight’s draw also claim 100,000 euros, which the JOKER distributes to every second-class winner in all draws, every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. The most recent lucky of the second category of JOKER, were three players who deposited their cards in OPAP stores in Drama, Euosmos and Preveza, while 29 lucky 5s have emerged during the 27-series jackpots. 18+ on the ground, 21+ digital