The trial was postponed for November 3, 2025, for the large murder case of his 19-year-old friend, who fell victim to blind opalian violence, in February 2022, in the area of Harilaou Thessaloniki. The Mixed Jury Court of Appeals of Thessaloniki – by majority – accepted two requests for deferral that submitted equal numbers of defense advocates of the total 12 defendants, convicted to a first degree. CORVERSE According to “”, the first defendant requested a postponement due to the obstruction of his advocate and the twelfth defendant requested a postponement for personal reasons. Of all the defendants held in various prisons in the country, eight were transferred to the courts of Thessaloniki today, while the rest chose, for various reasons, not to transfer them. First trials, the seven of them were sentenced with the sentence of life imprisonment and additionally with perennial penalties as co-workers in manslaughter with a potential deceit and the remaining five with temporary penalties as simple accomplices in the same act. CORVERSE For most, however, an appeal was brought against the conviction by the head of the Thessaloniki Appeals Prosecutor Nikos Kallidis, asking for greater penalties. Considering the decision to turn the charge into a manslaughter with a possibility of deceit to be incorrect, the senior prosecutor considered that the defendants should be convicted of manslaughter with direct deceit, such as the initial prosecution. In addition, for three of them he felt that they should not be convicted of complicity, but one for moral insinuation in manslaughter with direct deceit and the other two for accessory to the same homicide with direct deceit. The appeal does not “touch” two of the defendants and practically only applies to them the principle of not making their position worse. In addition to the 19-year-old Alki murder arm, the indictment includes the acts associated with the attack against his two friends during the same bloody episode. Early on, friends – fellow defendants had gathered outside the courts, while reinforced security measures were taken by the police.
Alkis Kampanos: Trial at the Court of Appeal for the murder of Mars’ 19-year-old friend postponed for November
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