Nineteen candles in his memory, three years after his murder in . “I feel like we’re having a nightmare,” said the father of the 19-year-old student, who became a symbol against fan violence. Nineteen candles, as well as the years of life of the young student, Alki Kamanou, who was murdered on 1 February 2022 in a blind fan blow were lit on Saturday night (01.02.2025) at the point where he was attacked by PAOK fans in the Harilaos area in Thessaloniki. CORVERSE The simple and symbolic action was organized by Structure 1 February 2022 “In the Name of Alki ” in the presence of the father and mother of the murdered young, friends and citizens who wanted to send the loud message that “sport unites and does not kill. ” The last two candles at the point of murder were symbolically left by his father, Aristides Cabanos and his mother, Melina Kakoulidos. “Three years have passed in the dark. It is hard years and it is sometimes that I feel like we are living a nightmare and at some point together with my wife we will wake up and say that this is all a lie. But unfortunately it is true,” said Mr. Kampanos after the action of the Structure. CORVERSE He added that “the pain is great, but the love of the world gives us strength to overcome it. ” Also, a minute silence was held, while a member of the Structure sang with the accompaniment of his guitar the ode he wrote and studied for Alki. At the same time the slogans “Alkis You live and you will not be forgotten” and “Alkis alive forever Martian”, were heard, while a banner was spread with a request for immediate creation of monumental space for the wrongful student. As the Initiator of the Structure, Lefteris Papas said, the monument cannot be set up at the point of murder, as there is a shop rented by a private individual and a request has already been made to the municipality of Thessaloniki for a space located a few meters above and which is not used. PHOTO (RAFAEL AGRICULTURE/EUROKINISSI) On Saturday morning a memorial was held at the Holy Temple of Agios Athanasios in the Cemeteries of Veria, on the occasion of the completion of three years since the murder of the 19-year-old.
Alkis Kampanos: 19 candles as many as his years were lit at the point where he was murdered in 2022
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