Eighteen months after the decision of the primary court on the murder, with fond motives, of the 19-year-old, the case that “freeze” the nationwide, is now before the Mixed Orcot Court of Appeal which is called upon to finally reflect the judgment of Justice. At the Court’s stand will sit twelve young PAOK fans who after the verdict of the Mixed Orkotos Court of Thessaloniki returned to prison; seven of them have been sentenced with the sentence of life imprisonment and additionally with perennial penalties as co-conspirators in manslaughter with potential deceit and the remaining five with temporary prison sentences as simple accomplices in the same act. CORVERSE However, the trial, if its opening is declared today, will be subject to requests for postponement to be examined by the judges, will begin for most defendants on a zero basis, without the Court being bound by the verdict of the judges of the first degree. This is because the head of the Thessaloniki Appeals Prosecutor Nikos Kallidis appealed against the conviction, asking for greater penalties to be imposed. Considering the decision to turn the charge into a manslaughter with a possibility of deceit to be incorrect, the senior prosecutor considered that the defendants should be convicted of manslaughter with direct deceit, such as the initial prosecution. In addition, for three of them he felt that they should not be convicted of complicity, but one for moral insinuation in manslaughter with direct deceit and the other two for accessory to the same homicide with direct deceit. The appeal does not touch two of the defendants and practically only for them does the principle of not making their position worse. In addition to the 19-year-old Alkis murder arm, the indictment includes the acts associated with the attack against his two friends during the same bloody incident that occurred at dawn on February 1, 2002, in the area of Harilaou Thessaloniki. Unlike the primary court, in the benches of advocates in support of the charge will not this time sit the well-known criminalist Alexis Kouyas, as he announced in his written statement. Explaining the reasons for his decision, Mr. Kouyas said, among other things, that “the psychic link which a lawyer should feel with those who choose to represent them has been completely lost,” while wishing his colleagues who would replace him to help the Court to issue a fair decision that would justify the memory of the 19-year-old Alki.
Alki Kabanou trial: On the bench of the Court of Appeal, the 12 accused of the murder of Mars’ 19-year-old fan
in Greece