Alarm for the second “wave” of flu from the cold and the bad weather

In critical other than volatile factor for the outcome of influenza in our country is converted to the weather, with the specific…
the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to monitor closely the forecasts of meteorologists in order to appreciate how it will move hereinafter referred to as the flu – and, therefore, severe cases, complications with basal pneumonia, hospitalizations in Intensive, the deaths. The record leaves no room for complacency, on the contrary: 36 is the dead and 168 it is the patients who needed hospitalization in Intensive care Unit (ICU). Although the recording and analysis of data continues with the…flu, the data show that the main complication of influenza that leads to the hospital is pneumonia, while respiratory failure cited as cause of death of most victims.
The cold is a classic ally of influenza, note the scientists while they record the weather reports for the weather of the next few weeks, and in particular for the upcoming – from the Saturday – cold air masses that are expected from Russia.
According to the data of the disease, and as reflected in the weekly epidemiological reports, the wave of influenza had a pronounced upward trend in the month of January, reaching high levels of the last ten days. The number of incidents (up to the 26th of January had recorded 26 deaths) demonstrated the high activity of the flu. In fact, experts have noted that on the basis of the evidence of the wave of influenza reached its peak and began to subside slightly.
However, no one can rule a new peak of the flu in mid-February until mid-March which, essentially, the flu is in remission – typically the period of influenza ending in May of each year.
In fact, experts from the CDC, with whom held talks, the does not exclude -in addition to a new wave of flu – and new dominant strain of the disease. The main strain isolated now in the laboratory tests of the patients and of the deceased is Α(Η3Ν2). Indicate, however, that has been recorded in the recent past to prevail in two strains of flu in the same period, in sequential time interval, Α(Η3Ν2) and the B.
Vaccines end, “weapon” antiviral
The flu vaccination, the basic weapon at the disposal of the citizens to be safeguarded against the flu, has been completed. Can the experts recommend vaccination with flu at the start of the flu season, i.e. in October, and before the big wave, that is to say January, but this year the situation has been shaped differently as a result of the disposal of all vaccines.
According to the ministry of Health, this year, were introduced and were allocated 1.8 million. doses of the flu vaccine. Practically it is difficult to impossible to ensure any more flu vaccine for any interested citizens in the high-risk group.
The CDC reminds you that the only “weapon” that they can use the citizens to non-afflicted is the observance of hygiene rules and, if afflicted, in consultation with their doctor, the direct download of anti-viral medicines so as to prevent any complications of the flu.