Today, Wednesday (22.1.2025) according to the honor the memory of Timothy Apostolos and Agios Anastasios. The names celebrated today, according to the celebration calendar, are as follows: ANASTASIA, Tassos, Anastassis, Anestis, Anastasia, Tasoula * Timothy, Timos, Timis, Theos, Timothei, Timothea, Tima, Timi, Timi, View, Thei * Agios Anastasios the Persian the Osiomartira Saint Anastasios lived in the 7th century AD in the years of the king of the Persians Hosroi II (590-628 AD) and Emperor Constantinople of Heraklion and was Persian. He was born in the village of Razih, Rasuni Province and was the son of the magician Vav and was originally called Magundat (to others Mazoendad). When in 614 C.E. The Persians took Jerusalem with them the Holy Cross. Because of the many wonders made in Persia by the Honest Cross, many Persians were interested in knowing the new religion, including Magundat. That is why he went to Jerusalem, where he was baptized and was cast a monk in the Monastery of Abba Justin (in others at the Monastery of St. Savvas) and was renamed Anastasios. CORVERSE He then visited Caesarea, where Commander Marzavanas was informed that he was a Christian and because he failed to persuade him, he ordered his torture. After many torture the heathens decapitated him. His martyrdom was in 628 C.E. with 70 other Christian Witnesses. *There are other dates that celebrate this name.
Agenda: Who are celebrating today January 22, 2025
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