Agenda: Today, January 1st, 2025, Claus celebrates

Today, Wednesday (1.1.2025) according to it , the memory of the Great Kingdom, Holy Emmelia, Saint Telemachus and the Church performs a memory of the circumcision of the Savior Jesus Christ. The names that celebrate today, according to the celebration calendar, are as follows: DEPENDENCE of Basil, Vasilis, Vasos, Vasilis, Lakis, Vassiliki, Vaso, Vassia, Vivi, Vicky, Vivian, Vasilina Emmelia, Ememelia * Telemachios, Telemachia St Basil the Great This great father and teacher of the Orthodox Church was born in 329 AD, otherwise in 330 AD, in the Neocaesaria of Pontus in the village of Anissa and grew up in Caesarea, Cappadocia. And the encyclopedic dictionaries refer to as home to the Great Kingdom Caesarea of Cappadocia. He had eight brothers, three boys and five girls. Of the 4 boys the 3 boys became bishops (the Kingdom of Caesarea, Gregory Nyssis and Peter Sevasteus) and the one monk (the Naucrat). Of his 5 sisters the first, and at the same time the older child of the family, Makrina, became a nun. The parents of Basil (and he), who came from the Neocaesaria of Pontus and Ememelia, who came from Cappadocia, although by world nobles and rich, had at the same time a supreme Christian mind. They even set the first – defining spiritual bases of the Saint. With this Christian upbringing provided, Basil begins an amazing upward spiritual course. Having the gifts of wit and memory, he conquers almost all the sciences of his time. And more importantly, he conquers the divine theory of the Gospel, which he immediately does with his strict ascetic life. CORVERSE After his first studies in Caesaria and then in Byzantium, he visited Athens, where for four years he completed his studies, studying philosophy, rhetoric, grammar, astronomy and medicine, having fellow students Gregory the Nazianzen (the theologian) and Julian the Parabatis. From Athens he returned to Caesarea and taught rhetorical art. But he decided to follow the lonely life and so he went to the centres of asceticism to teach the lonely state in Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Mesopotamia. When he returned, he retired to a Monastery of Pontus, after becoming a monk, and exercised there with all rigour for five years (357 – 362 AD). Already perfectly trained in Orthodox Faith, he was ordained a minister and elder by Bishop Caesarea Eusebius. The exemplary way of his spiritual work does not take long to ascend him to the throne of high priesthood, succeeding Eusebius in the diocese of Caesarea (370 AD). With firmness and brave thinking, as high priest he fought many struggles for the Orthodox Faith. With the orthodox reasons he wrote, he overwhelmed the thoughts of the bad – looking. In his struggles against Arianism he emerged adamant, nor flattering royalists of Waleda (364 – 378 AD), who went in person to Caesarea to turn him into Martianism, nor were the threats of Modestus able to bend the Orthodox mind of St. He courageously defended Orthodoxy, astonishing the king and the Martians. He also fought against moral rot and brought about wise reforms in monasticism. The rest of his pastoral activity has been incomparable, building the famous “Queen”, a complex with good institutions, such as a poor home, an orphanage, a nursing home, a hotel and a hospital, etc., where they found food and care thousands of sufferers of every age, gender and race. The Great Kingdom has rich and important writing work. His main works are the 9 speeches in the six days, speeches in the Psalms, many other speeches, ascetic works and letters. In addition to his other works, he also wrote Mass, which, after the prevalence of this shorter St. John Chrysostom, takes place 10 times a year: on January 1 (where his memory is celebrated), on the first five Sundays of M. Characostas, on Christmas and Theophanies’ eves eves, on M. Thursday and M. Saturday. In his fifty years the Great Kingdom, because of his weak temperament and strict ascetic life (some sources say of severe liver or kidney disease), on January 1, 378 AD or others in 379 to 380 AD, leaves this corrupt and vain world, leaving a legacy and a sacred inheritance to mankind a vast spiritual work. *There are other dates that celebrate this name.