Against Germany and Turkey after the coup?

The moment that the austrian Foreign minister, Sebastian Courts in today’s statements of the do… reason for “increasing dimensions of authoritarianism in Turkey” and “unacceptable intervention in Justice”, leaving open the possibility of diplomatic “means of pressure” across the street in Ankara, the Turkish ambassador in Austria, who was invited today to explain to the austrian ministry of Foreign affairs, considers that the criticism of Ankara is the equivalent of “support the coup”.
In accordance with the austrian minister of Foreign affairs, the diplomatic “pressure” may be through international organizations, on a financial level through the European Union, as well as “oral”, as well as notes, Erdogan up to now react only when practiced “harsh criticism”.
He said that the ministry has, in accordance with which the unscheduled demonstrations in favour of Erdogan, at the end of last week in Vienna, “were directly from Turkey, which is absolutely unacceptable, and, in this connection, we will protest”.
The head of austrian diplomacy in recent statements, had expressed his conviction that the thousands of people who were arrested after the attempted coup in Turkey – and not only participants in the attempt, coming from the army, but there are many judges or officials of the administration” – were already in advance in lists of specifications, because otherwise he can not explain how it happened so fast the arrests.
At the same time, Sebastian Courts reiterated the position it had expressed at the outset, namely, that whoever does not respect the democratic rule of law and promotes the reintroduction of the death penalty, definitively has no place in the European Union.
For his part, the Turkish ambassador to Austria Hassan Γκιεγκιούς, in today’s letter to the austrian Media, expressing “surprise and discontent” rejected the “unjust and prejudiced criticism which, as he claims, “could mean support for the coup”.
He assures at the same time that the participants in the coup will be tried by “independent instruments of Justice in the context of international obligations and of the applicable laws” while, υπεραμυνόμενος of the wave of purges after the failed coup attempt, he claims that “no country can have two armies, two systems of Justice and two police services”.
Υπεραμυνόμενος besides the demonstrations in favour of Erdogan in Vienna, the Turkish diplomat, claims that “one would expect that not only Turkish citizens, but also the austrians are our friends, with flags in hand, they participated in protests everywhere around the world”.
The demonstrations, allegedly organised by a great friend of ErdoÄŸan organization “Union of European-Turkish Democrats” is being questioned, and within the Turkish Community in Austria, as stated in the public Austrian Tv and chairman of the “Turkish Cultural Community” Μπρόλ Κιλίτς, noting that “the majority of Turks in Austria, has nothing to do with these demonstrations”, and that “our country is Austria and our interests are here.”
In connection with the failed coup attempt in Turkey, already on the night of Friday to Saturday, about 4,000 people had gathered and had marched in favor of ErdoÄŸan in front of the building of the Turkish embassy in Vienna, participating then in a march through central streets, which ended up in St. Stephen’s Square in the centre of the austrian capital.
A second demonstration, in favour of the Turkish president, with about 1,200 participants, was also held in front of the Turkish embassy in Vienna and on Saturday, while about 600 demonstrators gathered also on the same day in front of the building of the Turkish consulate general in Βόλφουρτ, in the austrian land Φόραλμπεργκ, demonstrating in favour of Erdogan.