After the election of the President of the Republic comes a reshuffle – The goals of Kyriakos Mitsotakis

Two notes, one to his right and one to the… center, in front of him, are reported to have one in the Prime Minister’s office, examining the options for the . The weekend “locks” Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ decision on the Presidency of the Republic. In one, there is the name or names from the “blue” tank that thinks about the high state office. CORVERSE And on the other hand, the names of the candidate Presidents of the Republic he is considering proposing from the centre left. Kyriakos Mitsotakis, about a week before announcing his decision, “weighs” the pros and cons of both options and reportedly, will share his final thoughts with close associates at a meeting this weekend. The dual objective Mitsotakis The prime minister’s goal is dual. On the one hand, there should be no leaks from the South West Parliamentary Group and, on the other, the person who proposes to obtain a wider consensus. CORVERSE This goal, as it all seems, leads to a search for a face from the centre, which is also accepted within the ruling party, as PASOK has announced that it will not vote for a party nomination. With the support of Nikos Androulakis’ party, a large majority of at least 180 votes are achieved. It is the point where the bar is to become President of the Republic with the third vote in Parliament. ‘Favourites’ Former President of PASOK Evangelos Venizelos , the Governor of the Bank of Greece Giannis Stournaras , former Prime Minister Loukas Papadimos have been “weighed” in public opinion measurements and allegedly a favorite. Despite the fact that the name of the current President of the Republic is reportedly not playing loudly in the fermentations for the presidential election, Katerina Sakellaropoulou is considered by many to be a safe choice. Center-right nomination…? Similarly, in the “blue note” the prime minister reportedly has not only noted the name of the Speaker of the Parliament Costas Tasoulas but also other persons who have good relations with the centre left. But no one in the South would bet that the final choice would have a centre-right seal, nor that Mr. Mitsotakis cannot propose a person – a surprise from other venues. And in the background… reshuffle The next move in Maximos’ “scaker” is the reshuffle of the government scheme, which is placed time from the presidential election to the end of spring. The Prime Minister has identified the areas in which he wants to place a great deal of emphasis and whether or not he will be a point or a broad one, it is estimated that he will be judged on the basis of whether or not Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis will return to Maximos Palace. The Cabinet meets next Friday, the first of the year, where Mr Mitsotakis will give the mark of the government’s movements for 2025.