Adonis Georgiadis: These are the incentives to attract doctors to the barren areas

A series of arrangements and incentives related to attracting doctors to barren areas includes, inter alia, the health ministry filed on Wednesday night (20.11. 24) in Parliament, announced by posting in X (former Twitter). The bill is expected to be discussed on the relevant House committee Friday, as Adonis Georgiades wrote. Following the re-definition of problematic and barren areas and the establishment of significantly increased economic incentives to attract and stay doctors and dentists of the NSI to them, the framework governing non-economic incentives is updated and supplemented, the Minister of Health says. He describes, and then quotes the relevant provision. The new provisions to be passed concern (a) the transfer of doctors and dentists to and from health structures located in problematic and barren areas, in order to facilitate their mobility; (b) the more favourable calculation of the service of physicians and dentists of the ESY sector to health structures located in problematic and barren category A areas, in order to evolve more rapidly to the next degree; (c) the increase of the additional days of training leave for physicians and dentists serving in troubled and barren areas, for their scientific development and ongoing education; (d) and finally the possibility of cooperating with civil administrators who are spouses or partners with medical and dental practitioners of the ESY sector serving in health structures of troubled and barren areas. Specifically: *Development plan – Non-economic incentives to attract and stay NSO branch doctors in problematic and barren areas* Last night his new Iranian bill was filed here: within this bill whose discussion begins in the competent committee of the House on Friday includes among many other important arrangements and regulation… — Adonis Georgiadis (@AdonisGeorgiadi) BASIC POINTS * Transfer from barren area to another health structure after 3 years (instead of the 5 years in force) from barren A’. Provision was added for servants in barren areas B (not previously allowed), after 5 years. Complete transfer within 6 months (instead of 12 months) after the application has been submitted. *Grade evolution*: Calculation of total time of attending service A and B after appointment at a coefficient of 1,3, after 5 years of actual service in barren A, if they do not request a transfer to three years: the result is evolution to the next grade about 1.5 years earlier (i.e. 5.5 years instead of 7 years in force). Evolution normally occurs after 7 years of service, so it is an incentive to stay for an additional 2 years, in addition to the 3 planned for transfer. Curators A’ were added, and previously concerned only Curators B’ (and benefit from the above reduction in the condition of the period of stay to be completed, from 7 to 5 years) *Education Education 1 month in 2 years, instead of 5 days in the year in force *Co-service The spouse or symbiont/contract which is a civil servant (permanent or IDC) may be seconded, by way of derogation from the single mobility system procedure, to a service located in the area served by the doctor. “With this regulation we complete our entire plan to fully cover the empty organic positions of doctors in the barren areas. With our activities to date (the law of summer and CYA on economic incentives in the barren areas) we have managed to cover 201 of 293, for a long time barren positions we have received. With this regulation and the immediate renouncing of 92 still empty organic positions, we believe we will find within the first quarter of 2025 stakeholders and for these so difficult to cover last positions,” says Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis. Source: Japan