On the start of the integrated care system of oncological and haematological patients announced today Tuesday (4.2.2020), World Day against it . The National Register of Neoplastic Diseases and Therapeutic Oncology and Haematological Protocols will operate for the first time throughout the country. The Minister of Health Adonis Georgiades participated today, Tuesday 4 February 2025, at the 9th Annual Conference of the Hellenic Cancer Federation (ELLOK) “Man in Epicentre: from Theory to Act”, on the occasion of World Cancer Day. CORVERSE During the Conference, the Minister announced the launch of the system, which is one of the most iconic in the effort to Digital Reform and Modernize the country, in the field of Health. This project will operate for the first time throughout the country: The National Register of Neoplastic Diseases, a permanent requirement of the Medical Community and Patients Therapeutic Oncology and Haematological Protocols through which holistic monitoring of the course of Oncology and Haematological Patients will be possible with a view to more effective treatment. The project will contribute to: CORVERSE Improving patient care The effectiveness of patient care To support the patient using digital applications that facilitate the management of his disease. The Implementation Timetable of the project Mid-February begins the operation of the National Register of Patients with Neoplastic Diseases at a Pan-Hellenic Level By the end of February the Operation of 12 Oncological and Haematological Therapeutic Protocols begins at a Pan-Hellenic level By the end of May the Integration and operation of all approved Therapeutic Protocols will be completed in the information system. By the end of May, the implementation of the Integrated Information System for Oncology and Haematological Patients in 3 Pilot Hospitals will be completed. The Integrated Information System includes: (a) Specialised Patient Oncology Envelope b) Implementation of Oncological Councils c) End to end monitoring of the appropriate patient treatment from the time of this choice by the physician to the patient (d) The project ensures the safe preparation and storage of cytostatic medicinal products based on international standards. The application to patients’ mobile phones By the end of May a mobile application will be implemented for patients, through which they will attend the treatment regimen and appointments at the Hospital they have chosen. In more detail, it will include a treatment program with a reminder of the upcoming therapeutic events and the possibility of self-reporting status/symptoms through questionnaires selected by medical users of the system as needed. It will also be able to interoperability with the Oncology – Hematological Information System of 12 Hospitals for patients monitored in them. It will be updated with regard to the disease and will receive useful information on treatment providers and other matters of interest such as diet, exercise, rights, benefits. This will create a community of patients and develop and communicate with patient unions. It will also include: Supporting quality of life management questionnaires to monitor the quality of life of cancer patients Possibility to register drug and chemotherapy side effects to the patient’s therapeutic group Management of a scale of pain and communication with home care units of oncology hospitals and their respective pain clinics. By the end of the year, the production operation of all of these will have been carried out in nine more public hospitals. So all 12 oncology hospitals will be in the system by the end of 2025. During the presentation of the project, the Minister of Health, Adonis Georgiadis said: “I know that for this project both the Hellenic Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health and the Contractor of the project and I am sure that the result will justify us through its overall adoption by all stakeholders. I am already looking for ways to find money to expand the project to cover all public hospitals and not just the 12 who have oncology patients. I am absolutely sure that once the system begins to work, the quality of the health services provided but above all the quality of the relationship between the patient and the physician, the therapeutic team and the hospital, will change levels and the state will be able to know exactly what is happening, in which hospital, with which doctor, with which medicine. It is rare that in a ministerial term we can present something so important,” said the Minister of Health. “I am really proud that I was able as Minister of Health to decide and see it put into practice. Politics has many difficult times, but today is a very happy time for me because I know that this is a tool that from now on will accompany all my fellow people who are in this very difficult battle, giving essential information to both therapists and patients and therapeutic groups and patient families to know their rights, benefits, possibilities and make their lives better,” he added. ELLOOK President George Kapetanakis said: “Today the Minister made us a positive surprise that we have been waiting for years. This day is really historic. It’s historic for all of us who worked with you to create this record. This is an important moment because after a year of signing the decision, today we can say that our country has a National Register of Neoplasms. We’ve been asking for it for 10 to 15 years. In addition, the digitization of oncology care, this great project which began two years ago and now its application for patients was presented, is something that will change the landscape. Today is indeed a historic day and I want to state my emotion. For us who have been trying all these years to do all these things, what is happening today is something grand. And the commitment to the National Action Plan for Cancer, we have talked about it many times and the Minister knows, his approach shows that he has a great picture. We must say a great thank you, we will continue to cooperate in your efforts to improve the daily life of patients. We know the difficulties, we know that you are sensitive and we will try every day to become better for every man.” The President of the Society of Medical Oncologists of Greece (EOPE), Zenia Saridakis- Zora stated: “And for us it is a huge day and we thank you very much. I’m talking about us, but we’re nothing different, oncologists and patients and state are together, we’re one. I would like to congratulate, because we are not what we say we will do, we are what we are doing and this minister has proved this since the first day and I believe that too quickly we will be able to see it in all its greatness. The Register is nationwide, it is in everyone, it will concern all oncology patients and all doctors and working groups not only oncologists as you know, many doctors will register. They’re not just oncologists, they’re a series of doctors we’ve predicted to do this job. It’s a privilege to be able to register a patient, not a burden. And the required fields, as you’ve seen, are so few, it takes one minute, one and a half. And the wealth of the data that will be produced for both the country and patients and doctors is incredible. I want to thank mainly the current leadership of the Ministry, because without the tireless effort and coordination nothing could have been done, but also the previous people who put the first liters, putting scientists at the centre, placing the EEAE at the centre of the working group on digitisation. I will never forget the first meeting we had with Giannis Kotsiopoulos, when he was Secretary General and I am glad that in this life we managed to see it come true. Thank you again.” The President of the Association of Cancer Patients & Rare Diseases of Evros Prefecture “Together for Life” and a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Patients of Greece Evi Orfanos, said: “First, I want to stress the positive points of the NSS today, because we heard many negative words. From ’12 – ’13 I remember he has made leaps. We’re talking about jumping. I remember when we didn’t even have gauze in hospitals many times. It is a fact that we have a lack of staff, especially administrative staff, I think in hospitals. We often see this but I think it is something that can be solved. But I’ll tell you something very serious that everyone takes for granted and it’s not at all. We all have access to the NSA, insured and uninsured. What other European or non-European country can someone go uninsured to the hospital and find care without selling their home? But this can happen in Greece. They all have care. It is not a given and we must stress this.” Source: iatropedia.gr
Adonis Georgiadis: The complete care system for oncology and haematological patients is coming – How it will work
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