ADE: Zero time for checks for IRIS, POS and smart cash machines

The auditors of the Independent Public Revenue Authority ( ) , according to the ertnews, come out in the following days on the market to determine whether tax legislation is applied, with emphasis on companies that had an obligation to interconnect cash with , to extend terminal machinery to the last 35 sectors, new type of cash machines in the focus area and to activate the new IRIS direct payment system. For businesses that did not complete the cash and POS interface or work with pirate software by issuing evidence of a monkey that does not appear in myDATA by hiding with this trick the actual turnover from the IRS (IRS), there will no longer be any tolerance and the imposition of the planned fines will begin. A large number of businesses have already been registered in AIA where the use of electronic transactions in relation to other related activities was fairly limited and there were suspicions of extensive tax evasion. In this light, data will be used by the E-send system of the Independent Authority to determine whether they issue and normally send the evidence and sales data with debit and credit cards. Particular weight will be placed on popular markets and taxis as since July there is an obligation to pay by card regardless of whether the professionals who resist and do not apply the new rules of tax legislation are still many. Those who do not have a business account or have not installed the IRIS direct payment system will also be targeted. Those who did not proceed to the activation face a fine of 1,500 euros while with a ‘chamber’ of 1,000 euros are at risk those who have not declared their professional account. Smart cash checks will also be extended to focus businesses in order to determine whether they have all complied by replacing old-style cash machines with new smart mechanisms, which put a brake on tax evasion, as they cannot be manipulated. Priority will be given to those who in the current year (use 2023) had a negative gross profit or had large fluctuations in gross profit over the years, sustained losses and odd bank accounts movements. For all these cases indirect control techniques will be returned to determine the taxable matter. Providers of heavy fines up to 100,000 euros, suspension of VAT and locks up to 2 years will be imposed on the Providers of Electronic Data Publishing Services according to a provision filed in the House. In particular, the possibility of ADE having to suspend the use of VAT in cases of insolvency or serious infringements of tax legislation is extended in order to include the case of a breach or interference in the operation of Electronic Data Publishing Services Providers. According to the provisions, fines will be imposed: 15,000 euros, 50,000 euros or 100,000 euros, where applicable for infringements of the due diligence measures of 50,000 euros or 100,000 euros, where appropriate for infringements of a breach, falsification or intervention in the operation of F.H.M. by application software for which a written binding assurance of the holder of the F.H.’s license has been submitted. M. entity to the Appropriateness Control Committee F. H.M. From 10,000 euros to 50,000 euros in the Electronic Data Publishing Services Providers, in case of non-transmission of data to myDATA digital platform.