ADE: In operation the single call centre for tax matters in March 2025

In March 2025 the new single call center for issues will be launched according to what the government announced today (21.11.2024) at a special event of its and AADE at Zappeion Palace, in the presence of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. The event of the Ministry of Finance presented the major reforms implemented to modernise the administration of the tax system, but also the new tools that will be put into operation in 2025 to further improve the service of the citizen and address tax evasion. Among these, in addition to the single call center for tax issues, the government announced the universal statement of revenue – expenses of a business in myDATA from 1 January 2025 and the start of the Digital Customerage in January 2025. At the event entitled Modern – Fair – Effective, the following were presented by Minister of Finance Kostis Hatzidakis, Deputy Minister of Finance Christos Dimas and AADE Governor George Pitsilis: The dozens of electronic services and applications developed in recent years by AADE and which have reduced tax visits by 90%. Applications such as myDATA, myProperty, myAppodixi, myCAR, myADEapp, as well as its new website, have significantly upgraded the level of service by performing hundreds of thousands of online transactions daily. For example, 11 billion invoices and receipts have been issued through myDATA by 1.5 million registered enterprises, myCAR 3.7 million transactions have been made for certifications and vehicle movements that eliminate corresponding visits to the tax, more than 300,000 tax updates have been issued digitally, also eliminating visits to the tax offices, while at the level of implementation of electronic requests in tax offices, KEFDE, KEVES, etc., nearly 7 million requests have been made (98%) and the rest are expected to have been addressed in the following period. Finally, at the level of controls, a joint operational infrastructure is created for the special tax and customs forces of ADE, which handle the most demanding tax and smuggling cases in the field. The Financial Transaction Control Forces (IFAs). Reforms in tax administration that simplify the everyday life of citizens and businesses, such as the new tax reporting system, pre-filled declarations for employees and pensioners, the digital transaction fee platform, automated checks on uninsured vehicles, etc. The 430,000 POS – cash register connections of businesses completed in just a few months. An iconic and complex project that contributed decisively to increasing VAT revenue in the first 9 months of 2024 by 11.2% compared with last year. The “Next Day” in further modernisation of tax administration. In 2025 it is expected that important digital tools such as digital clientele, digital shipping bulletin, electronic billing, the universal application of myDATA for businesses, Mrs.The new single call centre for tax issues, in the 1555 standard, will be launched or expanded. A modern telephone centre, which will have multiple service levels, will employ up to 220 people and carry out thousands of citizen questions and requests on a daily basis. The aim is to use the successful operating example of 1555 and adapt to the needs of AADE and taxpayers. The new call centre will gradually begin operation at the end of the 1st quarter of next year. The results on the tax evasion front directly linked to the digital modernisation of the tax mechanism. It is typical that for 2024 it is estimated that additional tax revenues due to the reduction of tax evasion will amount to a sum of EUR 1.8 billion, while total tax revenue overrun is estimated to be EUR 3.7 billion. It is more money than the target set in the Budget of 2024 and is not linked to the new way of taxing freelancers as the amounts they account for had already been incorporated into the estimates of the Budget. At the same time, a significant improvement is also reflected in the so-called VAT gap, that is, the VAT that the State loses every year due to tax evasion. There the problem has been halved over what existed in 2017. And our goal is to narrow it down to 9% in 2027. Citizens welcome government policy to tackle tax evasion The event was presented by the CEO of the research company Pulse George Arapoglou, useful polling findings that reflect the positive attitude of citizens in relation to taxation policy and the reduction of tax evasion. Among other things, the general question “What has happened in our country in recent years, in terms of reducing tax evasion,” 6 out of 10 citizens recognise that significant steps have been taken and taken. Most of them – about half of the participants in the investigation – consider that the effort is needed to intensify and continue. Only one out of three finds nothing substantial to be done. In the question of citizens’ attitude to the great project of interconnection of POS with cash machines, recognition that it is a development in the right direction is almost universal. 8 out of 10 think it is in the right direction and in addition, 6 out of 10 characterize it as important to very important. Only 1 out of 10 finds it moving in the wrong direction. In the other specific question about whether the recent change in the taxation of freelancers is moving in the right or the wrong direction, and here the majority of respondents find the core of the law to be in the right direction, with almost 4 out of 10 judging that there are some injustices and obviously room for improvement. Less than 3 out of 10 he considers moving in the wrong direction, while lower but notable percentage (18%) does not know or take a position. In entrepreneurs and professionals – who are mainly affected by this measure – the balance is slightly negative: 44% in the right direction against 49% to the wrong. In all other groups of workers the balance is positive and in pensioners the relationship between correct and wrong direction becomes 67% versus 15%. Finally, to the question ‘where would you prefer the additional revenue to be directed from the reduction of tax evasion’, 6 out of 10 replied to further support for Education and Health. New digital tools in the fight against tax evasion in 2025 ADE launches a series of digital tools to further modernise tax administration and address tax evasion. The steps to be taken are as follows: First, the global statement of revenue – expenses of a business in myDATA from 1 January 2025. At the same time, the new myDATAapp application will be launched before the end of 2024 which will allow businesses to issue and transmit documents such as invoices and retail receipts directly on myDATA platform via smartphone or tablet. Secondly, the start of the Digital Customerage in January 2025. The Digital Clientbook is essentially a digital book of customers that will necessarily keep specific branches of freelance professionals and professionals. It will be monitored by AADE in real time online, while there will be the possibility of crossings and comparisons with similar businesses. The Digital Customer Register will start from branches such as garages, lamp houses, car wash and parking spaces and will be extended to other branches within 2025. Thirdly, the implementation of the compulsory implementation of the Digital Mission Bulletin in early 2025. With the Digital Shipping Bulletin, businesses are required to issue digital trafficking documents and transmit their data to the myDATA digital platform. In this way, the tax authorities will have a full picture of the product being traded at all stages of trafficking. Fourthly, the universal expansion of the Electronic Invoice. The Electronic Invoice is already in the everyday life of thousands of businesses and its compulsory use is to be extended to all sectors of the economy. Previously, approval by the European Commission is expected and the aim is to launch this important action within the second half of next year. The Minister of National Economy and Finance Kostis Hatzidakis said: “With the Government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis there are very significant changes to modernize tax administration. But also very big steps towards tax justice. The more we digitize tax administration, the more we improve citizen service and strengthen tax and social justice. And the more we adopt modern tax policies, the more we can finally strengthen social policy or even limit taxation for all citizens who normally pay their taxes. Especially in the part of dealing with tax evasion, we have never again had such a structured policy but also so tangible results in modern economic history. Within just a few months, over 430,000 POS-sector machines were implemented, a project that contributed decisively to the increase in VAT revenue in the first 9 months of 2024 by 11.2% compared to last year. It was a personal bet for me, corresponding to the Olympic, PPC and the liquidation of outstanding pensions in the Hellenic Republic. In 2024 it seems that our country will have additional revenue from the reduction of tax evasion of EUR 1.8 billion and total excess tax revenue by around EUR 3.7 billion. It is money more than the target set in the Budget of 2024, without raising taxes! The so-called VAT gap has been limited to half over 2017. At the same time, we are gradually throwing into the fight against tax evasion within the next year the universal application of myDATA for the income-exit declaration, the Digital Customer Register, the Digital Shipping Bulletin and the extension of the Electronic Invoice. And we are moving on to the further modernisation of the tax administration with the new single call centre for tax issues, the 1555 standard, which will gradually begin operation at the end of the first quarter of next year. For us, things are clear: Less taxes on one hand, more tax justice on the other. And for that, with lower taxes we have more revenue. We have chosen the difficult but the right path. So we continue the effort without accounting for political costs or those who believe that nothing changes in this country.” State Secretary for National Economy and Finance Christos Dimas said: “The State currently has new, innovative tools that modernize and house the functions of tax administration and make us more effective in collecting revenue and reducing tax evasion. At the same time they facilitate transactions between citizens, professionals and businesses with the State. The citizens must be aware that the significant increase in the revenue of the State results, on the one hand, from the high growth rates achieved by our economy, from investment activity, but also from the effective interventions we have made to reduce tax evasion. This gives us the budgetary margin to continue tax cuts and promote initiatives aimed at further strengthening the income of citizens, households and professionals and improving the standard of living and everyday life of all of us. Modern, Fair and Efficient, we continue with reforms at a faster pace so that Greece becomes even more friendly to investment, more digital, with more and more quality jobs, less unemployment and lower taxes.” ADE Commander George Pitsilis said: “ADE’s new generation is here. By digitizing economic transactions, which saves time and money for everyone: Citizens, businesses, tax administration. By facilitating the everyday lives of citizens, that saves all of us unnecessary visits to the IRS and limits the counter. With the support of citizens and businesses in the difficult, through specific digital platforms, with which the aid is given. And we go on. With the same targeting for evolution and innovation, serving the Public Interest and Social Total”. Read tax administration research