“Add end credits in the sexist language of public documents”

On the initiative of the General Secretariat for Equality of… Equality, and in collaboration with the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction, a particularly innovative project, set for the first time in our country, is addressed to the whole range of services of the Public Administration and aims at combating gender stereotypes, such as those found in public documents.
The successful completion of the project of the General Secretariat for Gender Equality Integration of Gender Equality in the language of the administrative documents”, culminated with the adoption of the attached εγκύκλιου, which include the gender dimension in the full range of administrative documents, ceasing the reproduction of outdated stereotypes, failing to recognise the equal references to the female gender.
Findings of the innovative and extensive research prepared by the General Secretariat, in the context of the implementation of the project, showed that the use of sexist language in the drafting of administrative documents, and possibly unintended, is an indisputable fact. A typical example is the almost exclusive use of the masculine gender, despite the fact that the documents relate to the public life and are addressed equally to both sexes, or, in cases, exclusively in women.
In particular, the preparation of the Guide use of non-sexist language in administrative documents from the ΓΓΙΦ,( available on the website of the General Secretariat for Gender Equality and specifically in the path: http://www.isotita.gr/var/uploads/MELETES/Odhgos%20Xrisis%20Mi%20Seksistikis%20Glossas.pdf), is a practical attempt to overrun the phenomena of linguistic sexism, putting gender equality at the heart of the articulation of the written word.
The General Secretary for Gender Equality, Luminous Kouvelas, recognizing the need for the immediate overrun of the phenomena of linguistic sexism in official documents, stresses that:
“add end credits in the sexist language of public documents, while in this circular do justice to the work of the ΓΓΙΦ, restoring the female voice in the set of administrative documents”.