A working party has set up the (LOC) to develop the institutional framework for the creation of a national register and benefits and to coordinate the implementation of the project. In particular, the decision of the Secretary-General of Finance Policy of the Ministry of Finance, Pavlina Karasios, provides for the establishment of a Working Group on the establishment of a register of benefits on: The mapping of all benefits and benefits granted by the Public Sector. In this context, the group may use previous mapping projects for these benefits and benefits delivered to the public administration, in particular through technical assistance projects. The development of a draft regulatory provisions for the creation of an electronic national register of benefits and benefits, under the guidance and guidelines to be laid down by the Minister of National Economy and Finance. Coordination and any assistance in the development of secondary legislation to be provided for in the law to be passed. The overall coordination of the reform, in the form of a project management team, during the implementation and development of the electronic register. Contact and hold meetings with other ministries, bodies of the General Government and other stakeholders on the issues related to this project. The working group is set to run up to 31/12/2025, with the possibility of extending on the basis of the needs that will arise. The group deliverees take the form of draft provisions and draft regulatory texts submitted to the leadership of the Ministry of National Economy and Finance. Group deliverer may also be findings or texts of guidelines relating to the project to be institutionalised and implemented, including technical specifications of the register under development.
A working group was set up to create the National Register of Benefits and Benefits