A shower! They’re tearin ‘ down the wheel. Intervention of attorney general after a lawsuit

The telly of a wheel that never came back comes to an end. And the way is disappointing…
And infuriating. And a thousand other. The wheel will not turn despite until a short time ago assurances associates of George Καμίνη that the wheel will work with glory and honor!
At the same time, an urgent preliminary examination shall be conducted by the office of the Prosecutor court of first instance of Athens on the occasion of a criminal report company and Press reports on the hazard of the wheel, which was placed in the Constitution for the days of the holiday season. The public prosecutor’s intervention comes a few hours after the removal of the wagons from the Municipality of Athens because of bad weather approaching.
The preliminary examination will investigate if there is violation of urban conditions that may cause exposure to risk, as well as dereliction of duty, since the wheel was erected without the necessary safety certification from the company.
So, finally after back and forth, hooting, hoot, and the wheel remains motionless, the municipality of Athens with a short announcement telling the citizens of the and not only that, the wheel will already been struck!
The notice states:
Following the negative opinion of the Committee on performing arts, the Municipality of Athens rejected the request of the company that manages the Observation Wheel in Syntagma square to extend the stay until you submit the required supplementary data. The Municipality of Athens has requested the disassembly and removal of the construction.
Earlier, believing that all of us we know nothing of his partners George Καμίνη reported:
The observation wheel has been placed in the Constitution square will work, but “without any reduction in safety, however great the pressure, from anywhere”.
Speaking to ana-MPA, associates of the mayor of Athens, reassuring in fact, the citizens that “the days for the free use of the wheel, lost by the period of the holiday season, will be transferred in January”.
As reported, the municipality is at the same time in two locations, on the one hand you want the wheel to work already, on the other hand, as a control mechanism we need to license specific to the wheel, “I won’t let you do that, if not complied with, up to the last detail all the conditions that must be met for the lawful operation of. So, I don’t do any discount on the security, however great the pressure from anywhere”, it is clear to me. p.p. The question is, why all of this had not been preceded by the placement of….
Continuing so the partners of the Mayor of Athens report that the decision on the placement of the wheel was taken originally from the municipality of Athens on the grounds that it is “an interesting initiative with a social sign as well as the use of it would be free for the holidays”. The partners of George Καμίνη, referring to the process that was followed, repeating that “as is the case internationally, these structures are first assembled and then evaluated. This construction is controlled by an international certification body, the TUV, who, indeed, last Friday, tabled the audit report to the competent Commission Spectacle, chaired by the municipality of Athens, but participating ministries, the fire brigade, the police and other bodies. The report was, however, stuff that was pending and did not allow the commission to give the green light to start operating the wheel”.
To a question on the credibility of the company that brought you the wheel, they say “representing a large multinational, whose main job is the wheels. It is not a question of assurance and doubt. The company from the time he brought the wheel here, I had to take specific actions, movements, routine, for concrete construction. It turned out, however, that is not routine, the Greek authorities wanted more evidence, which had to do with the fact that it is a very large project, a great construction, it is placed in a spot where the ground has a slope, we are a country with seismic activity, we have strong winds”. Besides, as you point out, the cars have already been removed from last night, because of the winds, while, as you were informed in the specifications of the tire, including the removal of the upper part, if the intensity of the winds surpassed the 8 on the beaufort scale.
The holidays of the holiday season have contributed to the delay by the side of the company to proceed with the interventions that they need, and as was the municipality “shall be revoked the permits of special scholars of the company so that today, or the next 24 hours to give the papers and the speeches to work the wheel”. “There is the cost of the complainers but in front of the security, is not something that we evaluate as the first. We will do everything so that when it is up on the citizen by the boy to be absolutely sure and sure it goes up to a safe construction”, underline the associates of the mayor.
I ξεστήσουν to reinstall!
They had the draw and schedule! They stated that when the period of free use of the wheel, in accordance with the decision of the city council, the wheel will already been struck and there will be a contest for who will manage the wheel this way or the other. Provided for the operation of the wheel observation for two months, with a normal lease and a ticket, which target is to not exceed the value of about 4 to 5 euro.
With regard to the reports on the high cost of the celebration of new year’s Eve organized by the municipality of Athens, colleagues of the mayor, they answer: “The total cost for the celebration on the eve of the new Year are cheaper than last year, and however, in 10% of the cost of the holidays made by the mayors, the years before the mayor Καμίνη”.

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