A platoon of MPs who are independent in Parliament – “Champion” Syriza in the departures

Over a platoon are which within about 16 months are not on the headquarters of the party with which they were elected! This is the largest party liquidation and mobility recorded by the party-driving years of the Monuments. To date, total Members outside the parties with which they were elected have been 32, when a platoon has about 30 people! The 11 elected with Syriza managed to find common pace and now walk under the flag of the New Left. The other 21 so far remain “orphans” enjoying their autonomy at the headquarters of Independent Members. SYRIZA is the champion of the break-offs numerically, where 18 departures count in one way or another. Alexis Haritsis, Efi Achtioglu, Euclidis Tsakalotos, Dimitris Tzanakopoulos, Nasos Iliopoulos, Sia Anagnostopoulou, Theano Fotiou, Petis Perka, Meropi Tsioufi, Hussein Zeibek and Ozkiour Ferhat were the first to pack bags, left co-ordinated and founded their own parliamentary group entitled New Left. The next loss for Syriza came at the request of Paul Polakis with the deletion of Athena Linou who, taking the “outdoor” passed to the headquarters of the Independents. As of November 8, the third wave flight of MPs from the parliamentary group of Syriza began with the independence of Alexander Avlonitis, Peter Pappas, Rallia Christidou, Sunday Malamas, Theodora Jackis and Yotas Pulou. A second parliamentary group, after SYRIZA, in the losses of MPs from its ranks and a “major shareholder” in the headquarters of the Independents is ranked the Spartans party which not only counts 7 departures, but in these months there have been departures – deletions and returns! However, the “7” former Spartans who sit in the mountains of the Independents today are Giannis Dimitrikalis, Haris Katsivardas, George Manousos, Dionysis Valtogiannis, George Aspiotis, Michalis Gavgiotakis and Konstantinos Floros. The South West party, on its own side, has contributed to this company of independent three MPs. The deleted Antonis Samaras, Mario Salma and Lefteris Avgenakis. The contribution of the Port of Liberty, where it fed the reservoir of Independents relatively quickly with the deletions from the ranks of the son and mother respectively Michalis Hordakis and Virteus Papaioannou. But they also had PASOK and the Greek Solution. PASOK deleted Burhan Baran, while the loss of Paul Sarakis also counts the Greek Solution. Finally, the two ending post-election parties of the Greek Parliament, at least for the time being, which have not been hit by the contagious as a leak disease develops are the KKE and Niki!