A new strategy to support the roof is coming – Sofia Zachaki’s plan

A new strategy to support the weakest social strata is preparing frantically (YKOISO), Sophia Zaharakis. According to secure information from the newsit.gr from SOCOS, this new strategy will be transformed into the next generation of housing programs. In fact, within the next year, the responsible Ministry will present this strategy to the Commission, which is also a crucial stage for the payment of the 1 billion-euro installment from the Recovery Fund for my Home II programme, so that the relevant 2 billion-euro package, which will be included in the new generation of housing projects, will be completed. Under these conditions, it is the competent officials of the ICOS, who estimate that in 2025-2026 it will be the two-year period with most developments on the roof support front. In this regard, with regard to the front of the exploitation of public property, the Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family plans to create within 2025 a stock of real estate from three main sources: The apartments, which generally belong to the public and will be renovated (such as in Thessaloniki) and then will be rented at a low price to people who have the greatest need, while special care will be given to civil servants in island and mountain areas for which old police departments, community stores and camps will be renovated. Lands of the public, in which housing will be built using the PPP method. The fully remodeled former industrial sites – as happened with the HOPEI plant – under the social housing programme.