A mess to the government: half of them talk about elections and the rest of the belie…

Can the Panos Kammenos to “threaten” that if the lenders insist on the application of tough measures and the Dawn to do…
the front page of the διαπλεκόμενους behind the scenarios of early elections, the government through the vice-president Yiannis Dragasakis and the government’s representative, Olga Γεροβασίλη gives battle rebuttal.
Alaloum it? A mess? As he wants one. The issue is that the scenario of early elections is here, and it seems that it will remain as an open subject of negotiation with them “institutions”, who left last Friday, and no one knows when they’ll be back to close the first assessment. Although an assessment of the government is that this will be done by the end of the month.
The time, therefore, that the Panos Kammenos, a government partner of Alexis Tsipras and minister of National Defence, declares in the “Real News” that “if there are unreasonable demands, which cannot be accepted by the Greek people, the Greek people will have the floor again, the vice-president of the government (and a person who sounds like the head of a coalition government) John Δραγασάκης takes distances and makes it clear that possibility of early elections, there is why the government of SYRIZA – ANEL has a fresh popular mandate. Besides, it’s been a good five months from the elections of 20 September.
John Δραγασάκης speaking in Athens 9,84 stressed that the government has an absolute majority and is determined to press ahead with all necessary reforms have been agreed with the institutions in order to complete quickly and successfully the assessment. “There is neither debate nor reason for elections,” said the vice-president of the government.
Refutation of the scenarios of early elections and Olga Γεροβασίλη but the secretary of the Interior, Panagiotis Κουρουπλή. The possibility of early elections or the formation of a universal government ruled out, through an interview with the newspaper Lining the government’s representative, stressing that the government has “a very recent order. He even called in to stop “dreaming”, those who hope in the destabilization and συγκυβερνήσεις.
“The government is continuously in open communication with the group, as well as with the institutions of society. We are not imposing, not order, we listen, we engage and we are shaping” pointed out.
At the same time, Panagiotis Κουρουπλής speaking to the Nation Sunday, emphasized that “those who dream of elections and imply defections, although it is winter, dreams of a summer night” and ruled out the possibility of formation of a universal government, saying that “if we take into account the project Papademos, then there remains no room for political perversions”. Featured don’t compact the government a majority of 153 members.
The Dawn Of…
At the same time there is a… paradox of the coalition government, after the current front page of Dawn, has the following title: “The interweaving plays the… loan,” with the publication stating that “with weapon the apocalyptic doom and χιλιοπαιγμένα scenarios for early elections or universal, the καταχρεωμένοι of the media and the κρατικοδίαιτης economy give the battle to maintain the support for democracy in the party, the government, the head of the SOUTHWEST, citizens and the market doesn’t want to hear about polls, with the verdict of the people has not been shut down for five months”.
While, therefore, the same government partner speaks clearly for early elections, the party newspaper of SYRIZA “see” that behind the scenarios of the early ballot box hide “the καταχρεωμένοι of the media and the κρατικοδίαιτης economy”…