AEK places honorary plates named its top football players outside OPAP Arena

The continues to pioneer on its new stadium in New Philadelphia and now outside it, honorary plates are also placed named after its top football players. AEK players who made history with the team’s jersey will now have their own plaque on the road outside the OPAP Arena, to remain forever engraved in the memory of its fans, as the related post of the “yellow black” FC says. The suspension of AEK FC A few days before opening its doors to the public, the Museum of History of the AEK in OPAP Arena, we proceed with the work to shape the surrounding area of our stadium as another Museum, of a different form, dedicated to those who stood out with our team’s jersey in these 100 years of its history so far. Honorary plaques with the names of top AEK football players and their achievements with the yellow-black jersey will adorn the pedestrian street surrounding OPAP Arena and Eagle Square. To stay forever engraved in the memory of all who come to the stadium to attend games or to visit the Museum of AEK and the Museum of Refugee Hellenism. The first plates have begun to be placed, alongside the renewal of the decoration of the space with the new benches. At the celebration of the 100 years of our history on 13 April, the whole space will present a renewed, even more beautiful image.